Erdenechimeg Avidsuren
Climate Project Coordinator, Mongolia

Erdenechimeg Avidsuren Climate project coordinator © TNC
Climate change, Grassland carbon, Peatland, Rangeland conservation and management
Email: e.avidsuren@tnc.orgBiography
Erdenechimeg Avidsuren joined TNC Mongolia in 2023 as the Climate project coordinator. She is responsible for coordination and implementation of our climate change-related projects, namely Natural Climate Solutions Prototyping including the Grassland Carbon Market project and the Peatland Conservation project. Erdenechimeg supports TNC Mongolia BU to meet our climate change mitigation goal, including carbon mitigation potential and opportunities for community-based peatland conservation and grassland sequestration.
Previously, Erdenechimeg was a Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Project Lead for World Vision Mongolia. For over a decade, she worked with the Mongolian University of Life Sciences, holding positions as a lecturer and researcher for science, focusing on environment protection and rangeland management issues. She conducted scientific work, including developing management plans, monitoring, and evaluating, and working with local communities, experts, and local authorities, who are the stakeholders of the project, to carry out the implementation and management of the research projects.
Erdenechimeg has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Land Management from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, and a Certificate in Land Restoration and Sustainable Land Management from the Agricultural University of Iceland. She earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences in 2021 from Inner Mongolian Agricultural University, China.